May 5, 2010

change the layout & the link.... again

okay. i know. i just easily get bored so i have to make a new one and that happens everytime. so now it's not mon bureau at anymore but it is cheezia at

what is cheezia?
i have no idea.
that word just pops into my mind. i think that's somekind of mix between cheese + kezia = cheezia. it's not that i REALLY love cheese. as i said, that word just pops into my mind and i think 'well, that's catchy' so i decided to named my blog after it.

by the way, today and tomorrow are dayoffs :) yippie yippie bum bum

ps: the header's tape strip is from amazingly talented katrina. i seriously recommend you to visit her addictive blog, puglypixel.

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