so today is the day when our report cards for a year are finally given. i will enter scince class for next year (which is a relief because i still have no idea what i will be in the future), and my rank is unsuprisingly decreasing though my scores are quite the opposite, which means everyone's scores are increasing as well.
the point is, not everyone step up to the next grade.
and i know most of them.
whole my life, i never experienced this such thing. it's just so sad, knowing your friends who have fight with you throughout the year are no longer in the same grade/school. it's just so unfair. teachers always said process matters more than result. we have through the same process, why can we all get the same result?
i know it's not my right to say anything about this. but for everyone who is now failing in the process to achieve something, remember, failure is an event, never a person. Everyone has different qualities that we all should be proud of, even the simple one like the ability to make people laugh. when one door closes, another opens, and God, as always, has a better plan in store.
Like this banget keez!
makasih ima :)
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