February 11, 2011

life and its strife

sometimes i feel like a volcano.
everytime i feel the tiniest rush of anger, i keep it to myself, like a volcano keeping its magma. and every other time when some little things go wrong and make me feel like screaming, i'll most likely remain composed and keep the anger to myself. that keeps going on and on and on and there will be one time when i can no longer hold them together and DUAR!!! i burst into tears. like when a volcano is so full of red hot flowing magma that the magma goes up through the pipe and the volcano erupts.
sigh. i really should stop complaining about my life. there are waaay a lot of people who have it waaaaay a lot worse.

so, not like the previous posts which mostly contain my emotional life implicitly, now i want to tell what really going on in my life, like normal people write in their blogs. there are a lot of things that happened but i mostly forget them all. so let me just spilled out the ones that stick to my mind:
1. i just took short vacation to singapore last thursday, thus i wasn't involved in TeSIS presentation which make me have to do it all alone. luckily there are other people who have to do so as well.
2. our homeroom teacher decided to randomize our seating arrangement in class and guess what... i got paired with urwah HAHAHAHA that cracks me a lot. urwah is like the most bullied person in class, in a funny way of course.
3. enter a traditional dance competition last thursday, and i'm not being pessimistic but we're most likely to lose since there are 72 other competitors but yaaah, let's hope for the opposite.
4. burst into tears last night (that's why i wrote the volcano thing, duh.) and when it happens it is so inevitable and annoying and make my eyes swollen so my classmates called my chinese.... fuck u zidni.
5. alhamdulillah my scores are upgrading, weehooo!!! but still remed 1 indicator on chemistry and most definitely to fail on physic. let's just hope i don't get zero.

many other things had happened but i just can't remember it right now........ anyway, since it's friday and today turns out to be fabulous, i just wanna enjoy my life a lot more and be grateful of every second passed. night night! :)

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